Guillaume Noiseau, the founder of DianGarden , has studied in Centrale Lille , an engineering school in Lille,France. 

In these engineering schools , associations have a major place in student life as it can allow students to flourish in fields that interest them.It’s a very good way to get involved in an activity that you care, have your first responsibilities and organize events for an entire school. 

Centrale IA is a brand new association , who was created by four students in November 2020. The purpose of this association was to allow engineering students of Centrale Lille, a famous engineering school based in Lille,France , to put a first step in a field that interests them, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. 

Centrale IA, being in its beginnings, is already the bearer of many projects that clearly show its ambition. Indeed, the association organizes regular training sessions on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. They are beginning from scratch and are exploring a lot of various fields of AI such as Data base management, Machine Learning , Deep Learning and Data Visualization. Also , a major point of these sessions is to combine practice and theory , as Centrale IA will manage for each session, a practical work on the course of the day. 

Meanwhile, Centrale IA is also organizing regular meet-ups with alumnis and professionals from every field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence as Health, Ethics , Start-Up or multinational company. This meeting between the students and the speaker is a very accessible moment of exchange. The speaker presents himself, his daily work,  his universitary career, his achievements but also his failures. The purpose of this meet-up is to provide answers, advice and to inform students about some jobs they will be able to do tomorrow. 

On the other hand, Centrale IA would like to organize a big event, on a yearly basis, “the AI night” , which will be held at the end of month of May, where a few speakers will talk on a specific topic and will pose a debate on the burning questions of AI, in terms of ethic and law in particular.

For a brand new association, Centrale IA is proposing a lot of events and they will continue to grow up in order to make the student life better at Centrale Lille, by organizing more and more events, training sessions or anything that might help Centrale Lille students to discover or rediscover Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

You can follow them on Linkedin to miss any of their futur events !


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